She only gets stronger...

After a long break from blogging and ending All the Rage, I've decided to come back and enjoy the blogging world once again. What a better time to start then with The Epiphany back and wonderful as always. 

Blueberry has become a favorite spot of mine, with every release I find myself 'needing' the design, the Oakley set is no difference. A heavenly design, the gatcha includes 20 commons and 6 rares at on 50L per play. 

I have always been a sucker for chains, and this plays right into that. The body chain and chain design on the panties is amazingly pretty. My only wish is that the chain be a bit thicker but since it more of on the angelic side I think the smaller chain is fitting. 


Blueberry - The Oakley Set - The Epiphany (CamSim)
-Copper Body Chain-
-Copper Armchain- 
-Nude Panties- 

Hair - Truth - Amoret 

Tattoo - Bolson - Mr. Kenway

Image take at Hedonista Beach
